Doo Duty While most of our customers receive a weekly service to suit their needs, we offer a greater or lesser frequency depending on your specific needs. CONTACT US

Our location

We are a pet waste removal company operating out of McLean, VA, and serving Arlington, Fairfax, Washington, DC, Bethesda, MD, Baltimore County, and Montgomery County.


We are the scoop experts for DC/MV/VA! We take all the dog waste off your property and carry it away, so you never look at it again! The doors are secured. Our team cleans the weekdays, so you go home in a clean and healthy yard.


Our customers trust us to keep their spaces safe from animal waste. We are prepared to provide you with a clean and safe home for your pets and family. All of our workers have in-depth examinations.

Years Experience

Best Agency For Your Pet.

Children are happy to play with their pets, especially dogs. With the dog in tow, they can stroll in the park and along the roadside. At home, playing with the dogs in the yard or lawn is a form of exercise that will soothe your nerve and de-stressing yourself.
Certified Groomer
Animal Lover
25+ Years Experience
Pet Parent Of 3 Dogs

What We Do.

Pet waste removal and treatment

Doo Duty is a pet waste removal service. We offer both residential service and commercial service plans.

Spot and total area cleaning

Like everything else about puppies, cleaning up their messes and spots isn’t easy as straightforward as you might think.


Doo Duty is a Grade A, professional-strength pet odor and stain removal neutralizer that absorbs odors at the molecular level.

Cleaners safe for children and pets

Doo Duty cleaners are safe for both your baby and your pet.

Protect Your Home

Working Hours.

08 AM - 10PM
08 AM - 10PM
08 AM - 10PM
08 AM - 10PM
08 AM - 10PM
08 AM - 10PM

Core Level Features.

Your pet dog is more than just a furry companion; they are complex beings with a myriad of fascinating characteristics. Understanding their core level features not only deepens the bond between you and your canine friend but also aids in providing the best care possible. Let’s explore some of the remarkable traits that make each dog unique.

Pet Care

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Pet Medicine

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Monthly Care

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